You are looking at a VERY COLLECTIBLE, USED. MADAME ALEXANDER “ARIEL” 25085 8 DOLL, COLLECTOR REG. Did not originally come with stand, but we had one at hand, so we’re adding it as a bonus for you. Is only being offered because it is part of an estate from someone who has passed on. They loved this collection and collected many pieces. More to come, keep an eye open:! Please look at all of the pictures to see what you think and make your decision on that because pictures show a lot and I want you happy when you get it. FROM THE LITTLE MERMAID. HAIR ACCESSORY AND PLUSH. AS WELL AS COLLECTOR’S REGISTRATION CARD. ADDED BONUS DOLL STAND. Please look at all of the pictures. “OUR e B A Y MISSION”. Please, take the time to let us know if there is a problem, we will work with you! We try and get it to you as quickly as we can for a good price! Track Page Views With. Auctiva’s FREE Counter.